We had our first 3rd grade pre-planning day this afternoon. We discussed many things I was curious about and it left me feeling satisfied, yet overwhelmed. I want to get this right from the beginning but I just feel like that isn't going to happen right away like I want.
I have volunteered to do the 3rd grade newsletter because I LOVE creating and designing. But I really hope I haven't made a mistake in my volunteering efforts. Ohhhh well! Bring it on!
We discussed AR books, which I've been nervous about. One of the other teachers said she has over 1,000 books in her classroom! I think I've collected around 30 so far. Note to self: CONTINUE TO BOOK SEARCH FOR CHEAP! (I've been fortunate enough to buy most of them for under $1.00.)
I have loads of ideas for activities this year. I'd share them but I feel like I first need to try them out before doing so. If they work then you'll hear about them! I shared one of my ideas with everyone else today and it seemed to go over well. Maybe they were just being nice. Yeah, probably that. I've already gotten the "oh wow-she's DEFINITELY a new teacher because she's WAY too enthusiastic." Was this a good or bad statement? Wait. Don't tell me.
The summer is zooming by and it doesn't show signs of stopping (Did anyone else just reference "Let it Snow" in their heads?) I'm going to be busy with in-service, pre-planning, setting up my room, workshops and orientations right up until we "actually" begin working. I get paid for some of it, thankfully!
Speaking of orientation, yesterday I had to go downtown and get my fingerprints, badge, background check, sign up for insurance and listen to some lady talk who I wasn't really listening to. (Did I just say that?) I'm fairly sure downtown will be seeing me again because my fingerprints didn't seem to take. I'm used to that though.
No more crazy dreams recently. Well, at least not about my classroom. I did have one the night before that involved baby sea lions in my yard, but that has nothing to do with school. So, nevermind.