I think I was supposed to update this thing throughout the year. It's been almost a year exactly since my last post. Truthfully, I thought about it periodically but somewhere between running around like a crazy first year teacher and not wanting to be too brutally honest about how I REALLY felt about my first year, I decided against it.
As everything wrapped up, the year was pleasant. I had an amazing group of kids whom I miss dearly already! I think about them often over the summer and hope they're doing well. As much as I am enjoying this time off, I am looking forward to them visiting me as 4th graders!
No one could have properly prepared me for what was in store for my first year. Probably a good thing too because I'm not sure I would've agreed to this otherwise. Things did get easier as the weeks passed. I look back and see things I'd like to change but that's all in the learning process. I'm already looking forward to making adjustments for next year. Hopefully I'll actually keep up with this blog! I'd like to add new systems I've implemented and what I find works and doesn't work. If not for my own records, then perhaps for other new teachers.
Initially I wanted to use this blog to tell my funny -first-year stories (boy did those exist!) but naturally, I've forgotten most of them...that and it seems meaningless to go back now to record them after they've past. Almost like standing in a room full of people, trying to tell a funny story, but no one laughs. It's the infamous "Guess you had to be there..." moment.
I had my ups and downs on my emotional rollercoaster. Thankfully, I had the best office-mate in the world to pick me up (and give me a verbal slap in the face when necessary. I needed it... most of the time.!) ;)
If I could go back to the beginning of the year, I'd give myself a great big bear hug and say "It's all going to be okay. Don't waste your time crying, don't stay at work until 8pm, don't stress about not knowing all the verbage and abbreviations BECAUSE your kids WILL pass the state test. You're awesome!"
Not that I think I'm awesome (ahem) but it's an exciting, motivating word. Especially among 3rd graders. They told me I was awesome every day. I'm sure they told their 2nd grade teacher the same. And they'll tell their 4th grade teacher as well. Hmmmm....I need to do more to make myself even AWESOME-ER
So, I promise to try to update this more. Even if no one reads it.
Oh, I just realized...I'm no longer a "first" year teacher. I need to change the title of this blog. Exciting!